Lea Pica on the Power of Data Visualization
Dan Englander
Lea Pica on the Power of Data Visualization
Dan Englander

Telling a story behind data visualization will allow practitioners and agencies to stay competitive in their industry as their audience will extract the true value and understanding behind the data. That’s why episode 107 of The Digital Agency Growth Podcast is about the power of data visualization! 

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In this episode of The Digital Agency Growth Podcast, my guest Lea Pica shares the importance of data visualization and actionable steps you can take right now to use a story-telling message to engage your audience in the data set you are presenting. 

In this episode, Lea Pica and I discuss the following:

  • Using data visualization in a way that brings your charts and graphs to life and tells the story behind the data set. 
  • This story-telling technique is the missing piece of a majority of business presentations and how adding this in can increase engagement and understanding.
  • Putting humanization back into the perception of stakeholders. 
  • The magic behind learning to present data with a captivating and engaging story that propels the individual further in their career path.
  • A planning framework for creating data-informed, story-driven presentations that sell insights and recommendations.

It doesn’t matter how well things are going in your business because if no one can understand the data you are presenting, the data itself doesn’t matter. 

Today’s Guest:

Lea Pica is a seasoned digital analytics practitioner, social media marketer, and blogger with over 11 years of experience building search marketing and digital analytics practices for companies like Scholastic, Victoria’s Secret, and Prudential. Her platform empowers digital practitioners and analytics consultants to present information in a way that gets remembered and inspires action.

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